Friday, March 4, 2011

objective goals marketing 400

Since I wont be able to make the meeting sunday here are my objective goals.
· Goal #1 is to have 1,500 members registered within the first six months of the launch.
· Goal #2 make x amount of dollars by this date in advertising/grants. There is a lot of good information about other goal ideas in our book as well on page 52. I am not sure about how the money goal will work but I know it was somethign we talked about last meeting. also trying to achive some type of customer relationship management goal would be a great idea too, like increasign customer satisfaction and frecency of site use and such. hope this is a good start.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

marketing 400

here is some info from our third team meeting:

Page 49 of chapter 3: seven step e marketing plan
Step two of e marketing plan: marketing opportunity analysis, demand and supply analysis and segment analysis.
Target market profile: Hawaii, people who want to lose weight, people who want to stay healthy. Target Age range? 15-50? Local population. Cultural vs age?
· Diversifying
· Customer relationship management features: Blog/newsletter
· Focus on content instead of actually building a website?
· Registering/ analytics
· 50% of people do not do moderate exercise
· 74% do not meet rigorous exercise criteria
· 18% no exercise at all
· 200,000 people are obese in Hawaii. What is there age range? Are they active internet users?
· Funding-Rafi’s grant?
· Promotion—social media
· Pairing with different groups that focus on health and nutrition
· Goal #1 we want to have 5,000 members registered within the first six months of the launch.
· Target market--Just focusing on local people/local culture?
· Goal #2 make x amount of dollars by this date in advertising/grants
· We need to look at objective goals page 52
· Next meeting Sunday march 6th @ 11 have 3 objective goals. What do you want to accomplish?